About Us |
Every company established in a country has always two distinct markets: an domestic market where the boundaries are limited and pre-known regulations and international market which we call of "our world" which in the reality should be the continuation of the market for any company. These two markets are big together, allowing endless possibilities for business, prices, quality and deadlines without limits.
But there are always challenges and barriers to access distant and specific markets, some adaptations are always necessary to the products, but nothing that can not be overcome, quality, specification, labeling among many other commercial and technical aspects, and rightfully about this respect, attention, care, dedication and professionalism we are a company flexible and prepared for international trade, where we consider, the world as "the our market".
Our experience providing customs services during 20 years together with a integrated logistics has enabled our company obtain specific professional knowledge to attend "our world" in the most varied demands for products and services.
GB, a company prepared for international trade !
"Every businessman has a duty to be patriot, to stimulate not only trade in the domestic market, but mainly in the international market." Caio Felitte - Partner-Controller
THE PHILOSOPHY OF GREEN TEAM is work to follow the evolution of time and always be updated in focus in the needs of their customers. Our care, organization, efficiency and enthusiasm have ensured the success and differentiation from the competition.
VISION "Become synonymous of national and international excellence as a company prepared to stimulate and potentially take on new challenges in various sectors of the global economy, improving its portfolio of products and services on a daily basis."
MISSION "Provide differentiated and quality customer service for implementing and ensuring business, resulting in better cost effectiveness for our national and international customers. Indicate solutions according to the needs of each company, importing and exporting products and services that result in successful operations regarding International Trade."
VALUES PRODUCTIVITY: Efficiency, Transparency and Agility in the processes;
PROFESSIONALISM: Experience, Commitment and effectiveness in operations;
BEHAVIOR: Partnership, Respect, Loyalty and Ethics in internal and external relations;
MANAGEMENT: Perseverance, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and readiness for change;
AWARENESS: Support and participation in sustainable and socio-environmental projects;